Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Public Service Announcement

Here's a helpful little tidbit. If any of you youngsters out there have aspirations of one day becoming a seven time Tour de France winner, cancer survivor, founder and chairman of your own charitable foundation, and international celebrity, as well dating a succession of interchangeable blonde women all of whom looking disturbingly like your mother, you might want to avoid being photographed in an outfit that makes you look like first prize at the NAMBLA raffle.

This public service has been brought to you by the Fitness Fashion Police Department.


  1. You must not care about cancer. Lance always looks good.

  2. His look was cutting edge douche back then, time has only perfected the attitude.
    BTW: is that Papa #3 or 4 ?

  3. Yeah, is that 'Papa' or 'Granpapa'? Or does Lance's Mom have a thing for older guys?

  4. In his defense, a quick look at any senior picture from the late eighties should invoke a serious reconsideration of the phrase "glass houses".
